Sheffield University Judo club logo : Gold filled circle with black belt tied across circle. University of Sheffield text arches around top of image, Judo club text in white oon each end of tied belt


Sheffield University Kyu-grade Tournament

SUKT 2023 was very well attended, in fact it was at capacity and we had to turn entries away as we couldn't accommodate them. Unheard of!

Great to see such a strong entry, particularly from the uni clubs that will have been devestated through covid. This may go some way to explain why the entry was quite so heavy at the lower grade end of the event. In the coming years they will hopefully return in higher grade categories.

While some categories appear to only have 1 or 2 players, those players will have fought in merged weight groups, with the categories being split out again for medals.

Thank you everyone who came along to take part, coaches for supporting your players and of course the volunteers (officials, student runners etc).

Women novice - 4th kyu

U57Kg U63Kg U70Kg O70Kg
Gold ELLA LUXFORD (Liverpool uni) Jess Blatchford (Warwick uni) Isobel Shaw (Warwick uni) Natalie Harman (Uni of Surrey)
Silver LEONIE GREENWOOD (Judo Excellence) Bethany Breward (Bangor uni) Lisa Williamson (Pudsey) Lauren Stokes (Pudsey)
Bronze VIKTORIA BILA (WITLEY) Charlotte Clarke (Queen Mary) Lily Swain (Bangor) Samantha Denton (Pudsey)
Bronze ANOUK BERRYMAN (Keele Uni) Eleanor Parker (Pudsey) Alice Reid Elizabeth Wilson (Manchester uni)
Fifth LEILA LANG (Liverpool uni) Megan Hallewell (Manchester uni) Sophis Messer (Manchester uni)
Fifth NERICE RYAN (East Anglia uni) Nafisa Husain (Bangor uni) Hana Ames (East Anglia uni)
Total entry 9 10 6 4

Men novice - 4th kyu

U66Kg U73Kg u81Kg u90Kg o90Kg
Gold Ayesh Kumar (Durham uni) Lucas Barnard (Bradford) James Hogan (Miramar) Luke Boylan (Durham uni) Gabib Gadhialiev (Derby Olympus)
Silver Enhao Yang (Nottingham uni) Sawan Lingden (Durham uni) Romario McClean (Manchester uni) Braxton Manzambi (EUA) Joshua Walley (Crewe)
Bronze Anwar Bolat (Ippon Judo) Kasra Nasiri (Liverpool uni) Ryan Greenwood (Judo Excellence) Daniel Stec (Derby Olympus) Ashley Round (Samurai)
Bronze Thomas Willcock (UEA) Phenel Davis (Surrey uni) Deniz Beder (Surrey uni) Emil Georghe (Keele uni) Ryan Torrance (Pudsey)
Fifth Hassan Habib (London) Elias Rice (Manchester uni) Tianzheng Xiao (Sheffield uni) Jacob Allen (Miramar) Saheb Khan (Hanley)
Fifth Adam Maillard (Surrey uni) James Bugg (Higashi Judokwai) Jacob Wagstaff (Sheffield uni) Remi Cooper (Keele uni) Krystian Ciesielski (Keele)
Total entry 10 18 15 8 16

Women 2nd & 3rd kyu

U57Kg U63Kg U70Kg
Gold Krisha Shukla (Warwick uni) Lucy Banks (Durham uni) Isabella Whitley-Hatzimichael (Surrey uni)
Silver Rebecca Timson-Sheppard (Bangor uni) Stephanie Libby (Shefield uni)
Bronze Poppy Whiteman-Ley (York uni)
Entry 2 3 1

Men 2nd & 3rd kyu

U73Kg U81Kg U90Kg O90Kg
Gold Joe Cutone (Loughborough uni) Abdul-Qadeer Khan (Sheffield uni) Joe Mapp (Bangor uni) Alex Partridge (Manchester uni)
Silver Ken Ohara (Penistone) Dominic Shaw (Keele) Aman Khawaja (Durham uni) Christopher Harrison (Manchester uni)
Bronze Henry Riches (UEA) Pietro Cammisa (Surrey uni) Matthew Williams (York uni)
Bronze Shanghui Lin (Durham uni) Marek Firsowicz (Knottingley) Stuart Thom (Newark)
Fifth Kevin Chan (Nottingham uni) Dean Hodgson (Bradford)
Entry 5 5 2 4

Women 1st kyu

U57Kg U63Kg U70Kg O70Kg
Gold Aminata Amba (Ryecroft) Ruby Plance (Miramar) Emma Hodges (Sheffield uni) Yasmin Giannini (Keele uni)
Silver Eleanor Arnull (Manchester) Emily Leckie (Surrey uni)
Bronze Savannah Canning (Windsor)
Bronze Daisy Schwarzer (Kendal/Craven)
Entry 1 4 1 2

Men 1st kyu

U66Kg U73Kg U81Kg U90Kg O90Kg
Gold Jacob Bell (Durham uni) Georgii Rozentsvit (Pudsey) Ben Read (Bangor uni) Pavlo Turkovskyi (Hanley) Steve Freezer (Northampton)
Silver Daniel Basaiawmoit (Surrey uni) Manex Xabier Vallejo Arguinzoniz (Pudsey) Guillaume Macneil (Durham uni)
Bronze Spike Marriott (York RI) Malikai Dixon (Surrey uni) Matt Burley (Miramar)
Bronze Sonny Lang (Bangor uni) Reuben Hemmings (Hebden Bridge) Harvey Harding (Knottingley)
Fifth Daniel Moore (Bangor uni) Cameron Kyle-Davidson (York uni) Stuart Bromhead (Crewe)
Fifth Theo Scott-Cook (Manchester uni)
Entry 11 5 1 5