Sheffield University Judo club logo : Gold filled circle with black belt tied across circle. University of Sheffield text arches around top of image, Judo club text in white oon each end of tied belt


Sheffield University Kyu-grade Tournament

SUKT 2024

In 2024, SUKT will be held on Saturday 30th November.


Weigh in times

Weigh-ins will begin at 08:30, with lower grades first, then middle and then 1st Kyu.
Within each grade category, lighter players first.

If a prior group has finished weighing in and we have officials available we'll weigh you in when you're ready.

0815 0900 Low grade men - please don't all leave it till 9 to weigh in, that will have a knock on for the rest of the event!
1000 1030 Low grade women
1030 1100
1100 1130 Mid grade men
1130 1200 Mid grade women
1200 1230
1230 1300
1300 1330
1330 1400 1st kyu men
1400 1430 1st kyu women


Stuff to bring with you

We're expecting a number of players for whom this is their first experience of competition, so for you here's a quick checklist of stuff you'll want to bring with you.

  • clean WHITE JudoGi
  • Blue & white belts
  • A valid FULL BJA licence with correct grade record (recreational licences are not acceptable for competition)
  • Zori / shoes to wear while off the mat
  • Water
  • Food
  • Enthusiasm and a friendly smile!

Finding the venue

See our venue page