SUKT 2024
In 2024, SUKT will be held on Saturday 30th November.
Weigh in times
Weigh-ins will begin at 08:30, with lower grades first, then middle and then 1st Kyu.
Within each grade category, lighter players first.
If a prior group has finished weighing in and we have officials available we'll weigh you in when you're ready.
Stuff to bring with you
We're expecting a number of players for whom this is their first experience of competition, so for you here's a quick checklist of stuff you'll want to bring with you.
- clean WHITE JudoGi
- Blue & white belts
- A valid FULL BJA licence with correct grade record (recreational licences are not acceptable for competition)
- Zori / shoes to wear while off the mat
- Water
- Food
- Enthusiasm and a friendly smile!